Translation below (as best I could) A German documentary about the BP Slick Disaster featuring film by Hurricane Creekkeeper thanks to flights by SouthWings
Verdienen, Verheimlichen, Verschmutzen: BP und das Ölleck
Ein Film von Volker Barth
Montag, 13. September 2010, 22.00 - 22.45 Uhr .
Donnerstag, 16. September 2010, 14.15 - 15.00 Uhr (Wdh.).
Monatelang strömte das Öl im Golf von Mexiko aus dem explodierten Tiefseebohrloch. Zur Zeit, so sagt BP, fließe kein Öl mehr in die Tiefsee. Wahrheit oder Wunschdenken? Jedenfalls hat das Unternehmen die Unterwasserkameras abgestellt und alle Tiefsee-U-Boote im Golf von Mexiko arbeiten längst unter der Regie von BP. An den Stränden von Louisiana und Florida wird weniger Öl gefunden, allerdings hat auch hier nur derjenige Zugang, den BP zulässt. Im Meer wurden riesige Öllachen gesichtet. Fischer, die Journalisten mit hinausnehmen, berichten davon, dass man ihnen Strafzahlungen in Höhe von 40.000 Dollar androht. Das hat viele erschreckt, und andere stehen längst auf der Gehaltsliste von BP, als Arbeiter der US-Coast Guard saugen sie mit großen Schläuchen das Öl von der Meeresoberfläche. Andere reinigen die Strände.
Gerade in Louisiana, wo vor fünf Jahren noch der Wirbelsturm Katrina gewütet hat, sind die Menschen froh, ein Auskommen zu haben. Und BP zahlt gut. Doch wie kann es sein, dass ein Unternehmen zwei Bundesstaaten und eine große Fläche Meeresgebiet kontrolliert, öffentliche Strände absperrt und die Einsätze der Coast Guard mitbestimmt? Wollte der amerikanische Präsident Barak Obama nicht gerade BP strenger in die Verantwortung nehmen? Straßen und Strände sind das Eine, aber das Unternehmen will noch mehr: Meeresbiologen und andere Wissenschaftler sollen ihre Erkenntnisse drei Jahre lang nicht veröffentlichen dürfen.
Das Team der story trifft in Lousiana überall auf die Folgen dieser Maßnahmen. Fischer, die sie beschimpfen, andere, die sie mit hinaus aufs Meer nehmen – trotz der drohenden Strafen. Sie sprechen mit amerikanischen Wissenschaftlern, Opferanwälten und Lokalpolitikern über den Druck, den das Unternehmen täglich erhöht. Auf der einen Seite der Staat, auf der anderen Seite der Konzern, der jeden Tag Millionen verliert und dessen Aktien auf fast die Hälfte gefallen sind, während andere Ölunternehmen satte Gewinne machen. BP kämpft ums Überleben ebenso wie das Ökosystem im Golf von Mexiko. Niemand weiß, was die Ölkatastrophe für die Lebewesen in der Tiefsee bedeutet. Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass BP möglichst viel über die Katastrophe verschweigen will.
Redaktion: Barbara Schmitz
From the author / publisher...
On behalf of the whole film team, I would like to thank you and announce that we finally finished the film for German Public Broadcast and it will be aired today at 10 PM (CEDT) in German Television and on Thursday at 2.15 PM.
But unfortunately it has German Voice Over - so you may listen to yourself speaking German!
If you do not receive German Television, you can watch the film for seven days online - on the mediathek of the German Broadcaster WDR (, but it might be confusing for you to find the link.
We will also produce an international version of the film in English (with no voice over!)
Again, thank you very much for your support and help!
Without your expertise and kind support, we would not have been able to produce this film!
WE hope you will enjoy the film and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback!
The film will be aired on WDR :
Monday, 13th of September 2010 at 10.00 - 10.45 PM (CEDT)
Thursday, 16th of September 2010 at 2.15 - 3.00 PM (CEDT)
Thank you!
Kind regards, yours
Susanne and the film crew (Volker and Gernot)
Anthro Media
Documentary and iTV Production
Nature, Science, and Living HistoryNansenstr. 19
D- 12047 Berlin
Redaktion: Barbara Schmitz
German to English translation
(German title translated: to earn, to hide, to pollute: BP and the oil spill)
For months, the oil flowed in the Gulf of Mexico from exploding deep borehole. At present, says BP, oil no longer flows into the deep sea. Truth or wishful thinking? In any event, the company has turned off the cameras underwater and deep-sea submarines in the Gulf of Mexico are working long and directed by BP. On the beaches of Florida, Louisiana and less oil is found, however, has only one access, which allows the BP. In the sea giant pools of oil were spotted. Fischer, the journalists with hinausnehmen report, noted that it threatens their fines in the amount of $ 40,000. This has alarmed many, and others are already on the payroll of BP, as workers of the U.S. Coast Guard, they suck with big hoses, the oil from the sea surface. Other clean beaches.Cleaning on the coast; Rights: WDR / Anthro mediaDesperate cleaning on the coast of Louisiana.
Especially in Louisiana, which has raged five years ago Hurricane Katrina, people are happy to have a livelihood. And BP will pay well. But how can it be that a company controls two states and a large area maritime area, shuts off public beaches and affecting the operations of the Coast Guard? Did the American President Barak Obama does not just take strict BP in the responsibility? Streets and beaches are one thing, but the company wants even more: marine biologists and other scientists are not to its findings three years may not publish.Vogel and workers on the beach; Rights: WDR / Anthro mediaFrom the effects of oil pollution, especially the animals suffering in the affected region.
The team takes the story in Louisiana all over the consequences of these actions. Fischer, they insult others, they take out to sea - despite the threat of sanctions. They speak with American scientists, victim advocates and local politicians about the pressure that increased the company daily. On the one side of the state, on the other side of the company that loses millions every day and whose shares have fallen to almost half, while other oil companies make big profits. BP is fighting for survival as well as the ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico. No one knows what the oil spill for the creatures in the deep sea. It is likely that BP wants to conceal as much as possible about the disaster.
Especially in Louisiana, which has raged five years ago Hurricane Katrina, people are happy to have a livelihood. And BP will pay well. But how can it be that a company controls two states and a large area maritime area, shuts off public beaches and affecting the operations of the Coast Guard? Did the American President Barak Obama does not just take strict BP in the responsibility? Streets and beaches are one thing, but the company wants even more: marine biologists and other scientists are not to its findings three years may not publish.Vogel and workers on the beach; Rights: WDR / Anthro mediaFrom the effects of oil pollution, especially the animals suffering in the affected region.
The team takes the story in Louisiana all over the consequences of these actions. Fischer, they insult others, they take out to sea - despite the threat of sanctions. They speak with American scientists, victim advocates and local politicians about the pressure that increased the company daily. On the one side of the state, on the other side of the company that loses millions every day and whose shares have fallen to almost half, while other oil companies make big profits. BP is fighting for survival as well as the ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico. No one knows what the oil spill for the creatures in the deep sea. It is likely that BP wants to conceal as much as possible about the disaster.
From the author / publisher...
On behalf of the whole film team, I would like to thank you and announce that we finally finished the film for German Public Broadcast and it will be aired today at 10 PM (CEDT) in German Television and on Thursday at 2.15 PM.
But unfortunately it has German Voice Over - so you may listen to yourself speaking German!
If you do not receive German Television, you can watch the film for seven days online - on the mediathek of the German Broadcaster WDR (, but it might be confusing for you to find the link.
We will also produce an international version of the film in English (with no voice over!)
Again, thank you very much for your support and help!
Without your expertise and kind support, we would not have been able to produce this film!
WE hope you will enjoy the film and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback!
The film will be aired on WDR :
Monday, 13th of September 2010 at 10.00 - 10.45 PM (CEDT)
Thursday, 16th of September 2010 at 2.15 - 3.00 PM (CEDT)
Thank you!
Kind regards, yours
Susanne and the film crew (Volker and Gernot)
Anthro Media
Documentary and iTV Production
Nature, Science, and Living HistoryNansenstr. 19
D- 12047 Berlin
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