Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Live feed of the underwater pipe cut at BP Slick

Live feed of BP Slick pipe cut.


  1. Hi,

    Please look at: http://community.livejournal.com/savegulftech/

    We would like to implement a technology and evaluate the hardware (to be
    implemented as necessary), to focus on reduction of the damage to the
    lands and sea water by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico due to
    DeepWaterHorizon accident in the Gulf. We have an idea, a theory and a
    technical solution, which could be a key one to scale down the negative
    impact of the disaster consequences from oily sea water in the Gulf of the

    Solution is developed by Russian scientific organization and the company,
    under the management of researchers, who invented the solution. Details of funding required, could be arranged and negotiated, as grant-basis, cooperational, partnership or other activities, with proper assignments.

    Successful start and completion of that project TODAY, NOW may create a
    scaleable tool (vessel-based or boat-based) for real-time fights with
    events of such nature in the future. For current accident, in 3-4 months,
    ecology could be damaged much more, we hope you understand this.

    ANYONE interested to lock down the disaster in the Gulf and its
    consequences - the university, an ecology fund, the oil company, state
    government or private investors, and who may help us to help you to do it
    faster and better - please contact me at any time!

    Please review our offer!

    Brief description:
    Our solution is based on 3 types of hardware (A, B and C) and is focused
    to recover the huge volumes of oily sea water from oil, spilled into the
    having relatively low cost, high performance and high efficiency. This is
    a new combination of proven technologies, we research and delelop.
    Underwater cloud of oil (if exist any over there), could be removed from
    the sea water, from the depth of up to 1 km - is TBD!.
    We are NOT offering the method or technology on how to STOP the chink

    Tech. details are:
    Oily water is being processed by very powerful water recovery station
    (hardware A), as output - there are clear water, which goes back to the
    sea or ocean and recovered oil.
    Recovered oil burns at the vessel board within special torch (hardware B)
    without any preparation of recovered oil for burning, as output there are
    a lot of heat, some soot and some hydrocarbon.
    Soot and hydrocarbon are removed out of the torch and this is not a
    bottleneck for high-throughput neither a problem for removal and
    Heat is used to power up the hardware B (new type of external combustion
    turbine, called RLDVPT). RLDVPT produces local electric power up to 2MW
    (two megawatts).
    Electric power is applied to the hardware C - powerful water recovery
    station with high volume of sea water processing, electric power driven.

    So, we have a set of hardware connected in circilar way and this becomes
    autonomous water recovery solution, until oily sea water exist in the area
    of the sea to be recovered.
    Diesel fuel and vessel engine work is not required, during the clean-up
    procedure, electric drive operates the vehicle under water flow and wind,
    so a vessel could clear the area of the sea or ocean by 24h a day without
    return to the port for refuel with high maneurability.

    Thank you for reviewing our proposal!

    Thank you again,
    Maxim Bocharov
    Russia, Moscow
    +7 985 920-01-67

  2. The statistics are shocking and what can we do about it?I think BP must sit and think how it could best clean up the mess.The life under water is in danger and what we must not forget is that we follow a food chain that the bigger eat the smaller and somewhere we are also dependent on them.


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