Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chaney did it!

Chaney did it!


  1. I knew "Evil" was involved.

  2. BP has to pay for this. In more ways than just the cost of clean up. The public really needs to pull together on this and force BP's hand and make them get out of the gulf. They have manipulated capitalism at its best and they need to pay the price- lets get them out of the gulf!!

  3. Nitpick: His name is spelled: Cheney.

    Thanks for this site.

  4. I wonder if the oil plumes have amy correlation with the use of coexit dispersant, 55,000 gal, one mile down.

  5. My understanding is that in this situation an acoustic switch system would have done nothing, as the blowout preventer is not properly functioning. I feel like I've seen this in multiple sources since this issue began.

    Not to say that this is an incredibly tragedy and BP needs to be held responsible, but lets make sure we have the facts straight before we start pointing fingers and pushing solutions.


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